“Insuring Peace: British Intervention in Northern Ireland After the Belfast Peace Agreement”
Bouchard, John
This work examines the political transformations in Northern Ireland after the Belfast
Peace Agreement of 1998 ended 30 years of conflict between the country’s Protestant, Unionist
and Catholic, Nationalist communities. This analysis fills in what was a missing chapter of the
current academic story, the role of the British government in maintaining peace and stability in the
years immediately following the signing of the Agreement. Drawing on a perspective from
Economics, the work explains how the British government provided something like insurance for
the peace process by stepping in to govern each time the Catholic and Protestant parties reached an
impasse. This British "insurance" protected peace and prosperity, shielding the Northern Irish
from the consequences of increasingly uncompromising political stances, but in the process also
unintentionally encouraged individuals to vote for those uncompromising stances—an insurance
phenomenon known as "moral hazard." This idea of British insurance helps explain a series of
unusual phenomena that followed the Belfast Agreement, including the peaceful rise of radical
parties that displaced the more moderate parties that had helped craft the agreement, and the
phenomena of increasing prosperity that seemed to counter intuitively track increasing political
instability. In the end, the British interventions played a crucial role in eventually bringing
together Northern Ireland’s two most radical parties in negotiations that created a more stable
peace through the St. Andrew’s Agreement.