Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Kohler, Jonathan (Vanderbilt University. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, 2011-04)
      The Pauli Exclusion Principle places a fundamental limit on the brightness of an electron beam. Developing a cathode which can reach this limit is useful for achieving maximum operation in current applications of ...
    • Erickson, Collin (Vanderbilt University. Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2014-04)
      Creating high-brightness electron beams, which have many practical applications, is done with cathodes in regions with large electric field by field emission. The brightness is high when the current is high and the ...
    • Stewart, Christopher L. (Vanderbilt University. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, 2009-04-20)
      A retarding mesh analyzer was used to measure the electron energy spectrum field emitted from a single tip of a Diamond Field Emitter Array. The emission was dominated by adsorbed gas atoms and molecules on the surface ...