Now showing items 761-780 of 1354

    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Washington University Law Review, 2012)
      The Supreme Court's 2003 decision in Sell v. United States declared that situations in which the state is authorized to forcibly medicate a criminal defendant to restore competency to stand trial "may be rare." Experience ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Supreme Court Review, 2003)
      How far can you stretch precedent before it breaks? The 2002 Term suggests that some Justices seem to think that treating precedent like silly putty is preferable to acknowledging that it might be in need of revision. But ...
    • Schoenblum, Jeffrey A. (Virginia Journal of International Law, 1991)
      The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons' is an exceptionally complex document with the avowed purpose of radically altering the choice of law rules in the succession field ...
    • Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk (Virginia Journal of International Law, 2011)
      The immunity of foreign states from suit in U.S. courts is governed by a federal statute, the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA). This statute does not apply to the immunity of individual foreign officials, however, ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Supreme Court Review, 1992)
      For more than two decades, the Supreme Court's Establishment Clause jurisprudence was "at war with" its Free Exercise jurisprudence. In recent years, however, two major decisions--"Employment Division v. Smith" and "Lee ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Hofstra Law Review, 2000)
      This is a review of JUSTICE, LIABILITY AND BLAME, by Paul Robinson and John Darley. The book is a summary of 18 studies which surveyed lay subjects about their attitudes toward various aspects of criminal law doctrine, ...
    • Moran, Beverly I. (Saint Louis University Public Law Review, 1991)
      The 1990 Minority Law Teachers Conference was dedicated to expanding the number of minorities in law teaching. To this end, the volume addresses a wide variety of concerns for new and veteran teachers including: teaching, ...
    • Mikos, Robert A. (Stanford Law & Policy Review, 2011)
      The Obama Administration has embarked upon a much-heralded shift in federal policy toward medical marijuana. Eschewing the hard-ball tactics favored by earlier Administrations, Attorney General Eric Holder announced in ...
    • Clayton, Ellen Wright; Burke, Wylie; Trinidad, Susan Brown (Hastings Law Journal, 2013)
      Genome sequencing technology provides new and promising tests for clinical practice, including whole genome sequencing, which measures an individual's complete DNA sequence, and whole exome sequencing, which measures the ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (Chicago Journal of International Law, 2002)
      Recent US court enforcement of foreign forum-selection clauses is durable only to the extent that the clauses make the contracts more valuable to the parties. The clauses can create value by making dispute resolution ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958-; Hoffman, Joseph L., 1957- (New York University Law Review, 2009)
      This Essay argues that federal habeas review of state criminal cases squanders resources the federal government should be using to help states reform their systems of defense representation. A 2007 empirical study reveals ...
    • Padmanabhan, Vijay (New York University Law Review, 2002)
      Like many other transitional democracies, South Africa has chosen to run its two national postapartheid elections by an independent electoral commission, not by the existing government. Although the results were widely ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (The Journal of Legal Studies, 2001)
      Proposals to provide juries with specific numerical instructions for setting punitive damages should bring greater rationality to punitive damages awards. This approach is tested using evidence from 353 jury-eligible ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, 2005)
      This paper argues that international copyright treaties, such as the WTO TRIPS Agreement, should no longer be developed as sets of minimum standards with a standardized exception filter, namely the three-step test, but ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 2013)
      This symposium, comprising six articles in addition to this one, was triggered by a spate of Supreme Court opinions occurring over the last seven years, all of which raise the two questions in the title to this article ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Texas Law Review, 2012)
      In More Essential Than Ever: The Fourth Amendment in the Twenty-First Century, Stephen Schulhofer provides a strong, popularized brief for interpreting the Fourth Amendment as a command that judicial review precede all ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958-; Klein, Susan Riva, 1962- (Federal Sentencing Reporter, 2004)
      Federal criminal sentencing in the wake of Blakely v. Washington is, to put it charitably, a mess. In holding that Blakely's sentence under the Washington State Sentencing Guidelines was imposed in a manner inconsistent ...
    • Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Viscusi, W. Kip; O'Connell, Jeffrey (Journal of Legal Studies, 2007)
      The early offer reform proposal for medical malpractice provides an option for claimants to receive prompt payment of all their net economic losses and reasonable attorney fees. Using a large sample of closed individual ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Moore, Michael J., 1953- (The RAND Journal of Economics, 1989)
      This article explores the effects of workers' compensation on fatality rates and wages using the 1982 Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the new occupational fatality data issued by the National Institute for Occupational ...
    • Moran, Beverly I.; Schneider, Daniel M. (Howard Law Journal, 1996)
      All the federal tax decisions of the Burger Court are reviewed in order to demonstrate that widely held beliefs about statutory interpretation in tax cases are misleading. For example, although the literature asserts that ...