Now showing items 741-760 of 1354

    • Edelman, Paul H.; Brams, Steven J.; Fishburn, Peter C. (The Journal of Philosophy, 2001)
      Paradoxes, if they do not define a field, render its problems intriguing and often perplexing, especially insofar as the paradoxes remain unresolved. Voting theory, for example, has been greatly stimulated by the Condorcet ...
    • Cheng, Edward K. (Journal of Law and Policy, 2005)
      This article will briefly survey some of the current and emerging legal issues surrounding mtDNA evidence. Parts I and II discuss basic evidentiary questions, including mtDNA's reliability and admissibility under Daubert7 ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Hansen, Robert Gordon, 1957- (Wisconsin Law Review, 1992)
      In Schneider v. Lazard Freres & Co. a New York appellate court greatly expanded the liability of investment advisers working as corporate auctioneers. Under this new legal regime, auctioneer/advisers accused of simple ...
    • Sharfstein, Daniel J. (Virginia Law Review, 2012)
      For a generation since Margaret Jane Radin’s classic article Property and Personhood, scholars have viewed personhood as a conception of property that affirms autonomy, dignity, and basic civil rights, a progressive ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (New York University Law Review, 1993)
      Racial and ethnic minorities continue to be substantially underrepresented on criminal juries. At all stages of jury selection-venue choice, source list development, qualified list development, and jury panel and foreperson ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (The Journal of Legal Studies, 1991)
      Examination of a variety of sources of statistics indicates that the product liability crisis is real, and it is not simply imagined or contrived by the insurance industry. Litigation in the product liability area has ...
    • Blair, Margaret M., 1950- (Brookings Institution, 1995)
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (The Journal of Legal Studies, 1990)
      The liability crisis of the mid-1980s has led to an extensive reexamination of the liability system. A number of explanations have been offered for the substantial increase in insurance premiums and, in some cases, a decline ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (The Journal of Legal Studies, 1988)
      The recent law and economics literature has directed much energy toward identifying the various factors that determine whether parties will litigate or settle accident claims.' The substantive interest in this area rests ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Evans, William N. (The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1991)
      Abstract-Surveys of individual's risk-dollar tradeoffs illuminate not only the local tradeoff rates but also can be used to address more fundamental questions about the structure of utility functions. This largely unexplored ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- (Indiana Law Journal, 2012)
      Since their invention in 1982, shareholder rights plans have been the subject of intense controversy. Rights plans, or as they are known more pejoratively “poison pills,” enable a target board to “poison” a takeover attempt ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Yale Law Journal, 2013)
      This Essay argues that the Court’s effort to expand habeas review of ineffective assistance of counsel claims in Martinez v. Ryan will make little difference in either the enforcement of the right to the effective assistance ...
    • Hersch, Joni, 1956- (Journal of Legal Studies, 2006)
      This paper uses a unique data set to examine how parties in civil litigation choose whether to demand a jury trial or to waive this right and whether trial forum influences the probability of trial versus settlement. ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Gayer, Ted, 1970-; Hamilton, James T., 1961- (Southern Economic Journal, 2002)
      In this paper, we use housing price changes occurring after the release of a regulatory agency's environmental risk information to estimate the value people place on cancer risk reduction. Using a large original data set ...
    • Hersch, Joni, 1956- (Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 2006)
      This paper examines sources of gender pay disparity and the factors that contribute to this pay gap. Many researchers question the role of discrimination and instead attribute the residual pay gap to gender differences in ...
    • Martin, Kenneth J.; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- (Iowa Law Review, 2012)
      According to the dispute resolution literature, one advantage of arbitration over litigation is that arbitration enables the parties to customize their dispute resolution procedures. For example, parties can choose the ...
    • Rossi, Jim, 1965- (Wake Forest Law Review, 2005)
      This Article argues that public law has fallen into what I call a deference trap in addressing conflicts in deregulated industries, such as telecommunications and electric power. The deference trap describes a judicial ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Ohio Northern University Law Review, 2003)
      The law insists on maintaining mental disorder as a predicate for a wide array of legal provisions, in both the criminal justice system and the civil law. Among adults, only a person with a "mental disease or defect" can ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Magat, Wesley A.; Huber, Joel (The RAND Journal of Economics, 1986)
      On the basis of data from a survey of almost 400 consumers, this article assesses whether consumer behavior is responsive to information about product hazards that is provided in response to regulation. We find that the ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (Rand Journal of Economics, 1986)
      Using a sample of manufacturing industries from 1973 to 1983, this article reexamines OSHA's impact on workplace safety. Evidence supporting OSHA's effectiveness is stronger than that presented in most previous studies ...