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Engaging Interfaith Diversity in Corporate America: IFYC as a Pathway for Multiple Identities in the Workforce

dc.contributor.authorHill, Michael
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractWhile attention to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in corporate America has increased, religious diversity or interfaith engagement remains underrepresented in overall diversity approaches in the workforce. Using Interfaith Youth Core’s theory of change as a possible model, I explored the ways in which Conservation of Resources Theory might be harnessed to include religion/interfaith engagement in overall diversity approaches in the Fortune 100. Using a qualitative methods approach, I explored current corporate practices, and opportunities and risks associated with religious engagement in the modern workforce. Fortune 100 companies expressed reservations about religious inclusion but also saw opportunities should an approach be created that harnessed positive attributes of religious inclusion while protecting against proselytization or legal risk. A program that included religion as an overall approach to intersectionality was best received.
dc.subjectworkplace spirituality
dc.subjectcultural diversity
dc.subjectemployee engagement
dc.titleEngaging Interfaith Diversity in Corporate America: IFYC as a Pathway for Multiple Identities in the Workforce

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