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Exploring the Role of the Subject Librarian in eBook Purchase Processes

dc.contributor.authorFarthing, Jennifer
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractThis project focuses on the ways subject librarians contribute to eBook purchasing processes. It includes factors subject librarians find important when deciding what to acquire given their budget allocations. In the university setting, subject librarians select, develop, and manage the budget for specific collections of library materials in all formats. They act as primary liaison for faculty, work as a dedicated reference resource for all users, and support teaching and learning activities within the academic departments assigned. In short, subject librarians are an indispensable part of that which allows the university to function as it does. The purpose of this study is to better understand the subject librarian’s role in eBook purchasing to help my partner organization improve its service to subject librarians and their constituents. Ultimately, this insight will increase marketing effectiveness and service value.
dc.subject"subject librarians"
dc.subject"library eBook purchasing"
dc.subject"university library acquisitions"
dc.subject"eBook providers"
dc.subject"institutional eBooks"
dc.titleExploring the Role of the Subject Librarian in eBook Purchase Processes

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