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Understanding Adult ESL Teachers: An Analysis of Experiences and Professional Needs

dc.contributor.authorColeman, Carmen C.
dc.description.abstractSu Casa Family Ministries, better known as Su Casa, uses its Adult Education English as a Second Language (ESL) Program to serve the diverse community of adult learners and connect with its volunteer teachers. The purpose of this study is to understand the roles of volunteer teachers, their experiences, and professional needs The area of inquiry is a commitment to better support the volunteer teachers with high-quality professional development. A mixed-methods design was implemented using digital surveys and semi-structured interviews. Eight findings emerge from the quantitative and qualitative analyses. Four findings relate directly to the professional development needs of volunteer teachers. Two findings highlight professional needs based on the volunteer’s teaching experience or certification. One finding aligns volunteer teachers with Su Casa’s mission and goals for the adult ESL program. The last finding connects the identity as a volunteer teacher and participation with Su Casaen_US
dc.subjectvolunteer ESL teachersen_US
dc.subjectESL professional trainingen_US
dc.subjectfaith-based ESL programen_US
dc.subjectprofessional development needs of ESL teachersen_US
dc.subjectAdult English Program teachersen_US
dc.titleUnderstanding Adult ESL Teachers: An Analysis of Experiences and Professional Needsen_US

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