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Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activities Available to Students in K-12 Education

dc.contributor.authorWeems, Shawanda
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractRising New York Road Runners (RNYRR) is the youth program located within the community impact department of New York Road Runners. New York Road Runners (NYRR) is a non-profit organization based in New York City whose mission is to help and inspire people through the physical activity of running. NYRR is committed to establishing free community-based running programs for young people. RNYRR has experienced a decline in site participation of schools, after-school programs, and community centers from grades K-12, primarily in New York City and nationwide, from over 1,300 pre-COVID to just above 800 for the 2022-2023 school year. I collected and analyzed survey and focus group data from Rising New York Road Runners program leads, interviewed the program administrators, and compiled a document analysis of artifacts produced and distributed by RNYRR. The findings of my study included: RNYRR program leads grappled with how to deal with their youth’s loss of interest in sport during COVID-19 and when the lockdowns were lifted. They had limited access to strategies to enhance student participation, which impacted their youth's re-engagement in the running programs. RNYRR may have engaged in a too-quick return to normal. In their artifacts available online and within the curriculum that they provide, there is no inclusion of how to consider the impact of COVID-19 in NYC on the youth that are served in their programs. The likelihood of recommending RNYRR to colleagues and friends was overwhelmingly positive.
dc.subjectYouth Running Program
dc.subjectYouth Sport
dc.subjectAfterschool Activities
dc.subjectPhysical Education
dc.titleImpact of COVID-19 on Physical Activities Available to Students in K-12 Education

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