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Indicators of Successful Higher Education and Nonprofit Partnerships

dc.contributor.authorOrtiz, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorBruesehoff, Gretchen
dc.contributor.authorKinney, Chris
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractBraven, a national nonprofit organization, partners with colleges and universities in preparing and empowering students to obtain strong first jobs or placement into graduate school. As the organization moves to scale, Braven recognizes its need to strategically refine its product scope and to more deeply understand the contributing factors in building strong partnerships with faculty and students, especially as they contribute to program outcomes. This mixed methods investigation used pre-existing student survey responses, pre-existing partner school focus group transcripts, and newly conducted interviews with current partner and non-partner schools to help identify the characteristics of high quality partnerships and how Braven might evolve its offerings and practices. Our overall findings suggest that Braven can create a more interconnected community by fostering early, strategic relationships, defining clear parameters of program flexibility and stability, and adhering to regular monitoring and strategic re-alignment cycles that continuously drives towards the sustainability and scalability of impact.
dc.subjectnonprofit organizations
dc.subjecthigher education
dc.subjectorganizational partnerships
dc.subjectshared value
dc.subjectstudent empowerment
dc.titleIndicators of Successful Higher Education and Nonprofit Partnerships

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