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Optimizing Value: Adaptive Leadership Approaches for the Small Boarding School Association

dc.contributor.authorWeir, Katie Louise
dc.contributor.authorLuellen, Katherine Drago
dc.contributor.authorTraina, Edith Aloe
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractThis capstone examines adaptive leadership approaches within the Small Boarding School Association (SBSA) to enhance organizational relevance and viability amidst contemporary educational challenges. Founded in 1987, SBSA is a crucial network for the small boarding school sector, promoting collegiality, resource-sharing, and strategic partnerships. The association self-identified its struggles with maintaining impact and operational effectiveness due to a volunteer-driven leadership structure and evolving educational landscapes. Using a conceptual framework that merges adaptive leadership and sensemaking, this project investigates perceptions of the SBSA's value among its leadership and membership. Data collection combined qualitative methods, including document analysis, interviews, a focus group, and observations at the association’s annual conference, with quantitative data from four surveys. Findings reveal that SBSA leaders value the association's commitment to collegiality and the annual conference as a key engagement point, while members appreciate the intentionally open, informed, and authentic organizational culture. A notable disparity exists between leadership and membership regarding SBSA's responsiveness, highlighting differing perceptions of the association’s capacity for innovation, adaptability, and feedback. Recommendations include revising the SBSA value proposition, promoting community through regional meet-ups, enhancing association visibility, and inspiring membership through increased involvement. These strategies aim to develop adaptive, absorptive, and generative leadership within SBSA, ensuring long-term relevance, viability, and empowerment when navigating the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment of contemporary education.
dc.subjectindependent schools
dc.subjectorganizational empowerment
dc.subjectvalue proposition
dc.titleOptimizing Value: Adaptive Leadership Approaches for the Small Boarding School Association

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