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Data-Informed Decision-Making in Higher Education: A Quality Improvement Study of The Council of Independent College’s Key Indicators Tool (KIT) and Financial Indicators Tool (FIT)

dc.contributor.authorPaulson Dunmire, Leah
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Joseph C.
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractThis capstone explores the role of data-informed decision-making among executive leaders at member institutions of the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). This quality improvement study analyzes and evaluates the use of the Key Indicators Tool (KIT) and Financial Indicators Tool (FIT) benchmarking reports. The problem of practice engages a mixed methods approach - employing a survey and conducting interviews and focus groups - to review three project questions related to the nature and quality of member use of the tools, the perceived value of the tools, and the tools' impact on decision-making at member institutions. This capstone presents six key findings that detail the key indicators most valued by CIC members, the primary audiences and users of the tools at member institutions, the perceived value of the tools, the impact of the tools on decision-making, and member preferences for the future of the tools. The researchers present three recommendations to the CIC: enhance interactivity/customizability of the tools, create a KIT/FIT user group, and expand the data used in the tools.
dc.subjectdata-informed decision-making
dc.subjecthigher education
dc.subjectcommunities of practice
dc.subjectmixed methods
dc.subjectsociocultural theory
dc.titleData-Informed Decision-Making in Higher Education: A Quality Improvement Study of The Council of Independent College’s Key Indicators Tool (KIT) and Financial Indicators Tool (FIT)

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