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Legacy in Transition: Enhancing Intergenerational Engagement at a Heritage Philanthropy During Times of Change: A Mixed Method Study on Progressive Membership Recruitment Amidst Societal Shifts

dc.contributor.authorWahab, Rehnuma Lizzie
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractAn established heritage philanthropy in the United States was examined for factors relating to gaps in its marketing and branding strategies that negatively affected its recruitment and retention of a younger demographic of membership. I sought to research and develop improvement models for long-term growth that could arrest decline and ignite sustainability for the organization’s mission centered brand positioning. This philanthropy historically supports the concept of Zionism, cultural preservation, and healthcare advocacy, but evinces a pressing need to forge connections with younger generations to ensure longevity and relevance amidst shifting national attitudes towards its brand and mission. In response, this study analyzed membership trends, national polling data on attitudes towards Zionism, and surveys +focus groups of generational cohorts, to inform strategic development of tailored solutions to the membership deficit. Findings revealed a generational divide in engagement, with older members displaying more consistent involvement than their younger counterparts, as well as a chasm in perspectives between those who represent a more orthodox view of the concept of Zionism and those who seek modernized and flexible participation avenues with a more nuanced view of the meaning of Zionism. The results suggest that the organization must broaden its narrative towards acceptance of more fully represented Jewish identity, adopt a stance of unifying ideas and nuanced language in the face of contemporary political connotations of Zionism, and demonstrate empathy to connect genuinely with younger demographics.
dc.subjectHeritage Philanthropy
dc.subjectMembership Levels
dc.subjectGeneration Gap
dc.titleLegacy in Transition: Enhancing Intergenerational Engagement at a Heritage Philanthropy During Times of Change: A Mixed Method Study on Progressive Membership Recruitment Amidst Societal Shifts

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