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Toward an Improved School Credentialing Process: Analysis of Progress in Equity, Access, and Authenticity

dc.contributor.authorStuart, Amy
dc.contributor.authorKronk, Adam
dc.descriptionLeadership and Learning in Organizations capstone project
dc.description.abstractSummit to Learn (StL) is a nonprofit organization working with K-12 schools across the country to bring about excellent outcomes for all students. StL offers an opportunity for partner schools who fully implement their school model to earn a credential; after redesigning the process to be more equitable, accessible, and authentic, StL leaders sought to learn what leading indicators said about their progress in these areas. This capstone project used qualitative research methods including document review, focus groups, individual interviews, field observation, and a survey to investigate progress toward StL’s goals in the new process. Findings indicated that the organization's commitment to these three priorities was evident in the redesign, schools viewed the credential as an opportunity to tell their story, and that stakeholders generally felt valued as part of a continuous improvement process; there are opportunities for continued progress in clarifying the nuances of equity as a construct, preparing StL staff more thoroughly to support partner schools in pursuing the credential, and exploring the development of alternative, universal measures of student achievement.
dc.subjectfidelity of implementation
dc.subjectK-12 school credentialing
dc.titleToward an Improved School Credentialing Process: Analysis of Progress in Equity, Access, and Authenticity

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