Now showing items 621-640 of 1354

    • Sherry, Suzanna (Constitutional Commentary, 2000)
      Congress should repeal 28 U.S.C. § 1332 in its entirety, abolishing diversity jurisdiction altogether.
    • Cheng, Edward K. (University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2012)
      In many mass tort cases, separately trying all individual claims is impractical, and thus a number of trial courts and commentators have explored the use of statistical sampling as a way of efficiently processing claims. ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Constitutional Commentary, 1997)
      Supreme Court currents are no less treacherous to navigators than are river currents-and, as Michael Paulsen himself has previously pointed out, RFRA shares more than a linguistic resonance with a river.1 Unfortunately, ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Cox, James D., 1943- (Washington University Law Quarterly, 2002)
      In this paper, we examine the role of institutional investors in securities fraud class actions. We begin by surveying the first five years of experience with the Lead Plaintiff provision of the Private Securities Litigation ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Green Bag 2D, 2013)
      I am honored and humbled by the breadth and depth of the responses to my essay on judicial activism, including Richard Epstein's very generous introduction. Each of the contributors has packed a tremendous amount of insight ...
    • Newbern, Alistair E.; Suski, Emily F. (Clinical Law Review, 2013)
      Clinical teaching is a Baby Boomer. After an extended infancy, it came of age in the 1960s. It challenged the entrenched isolation and aloofness of law school by questioning the very methods by which law is taught. Channeling ...
    • Ruhl, J.B. (Houston Law Review, 1996)
      This article examines the field of environmental law as a potential minefield for malpractice claims given its complex and dynamic nature. The article outlines principles for malpractice law applied to environmental law, ...
    • Seymore, Sean B., 1971- (Minnesota Law Review, 2014)
      It is axiomatic in patent law that an invention must be useful. The utility requirement has been a part of the statutory scheme since the Patent Act of 1790. But what does it mean to be useful? The abstract and imprecise ...
    • Sitaraman, Ganesh (Harvard Law Review, 2014)
      In late August 2013, after Syrian civilians were horrifically attacked with sarin gas, President Barack Obama declared his intention to conduct limited airstrikes against the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad. A ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- (Southern California Law Review, 2014)
      Shareholder voting is a key part of contemporary American corporate governance. As numerous contemporary battles between corporate management and shareholders illustrate, voting has never been more important. Yet, traditional ...
    • Ruhl, J.B. (Ecology and Society, 2012)
      Panarchy theory focuses on improving theories of change in natural and social systems to improve the design of policy responses. Its central thesis is that successfully working with the dynamic forces of complex adaptive ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Elon Law Review, 2009)
      This article summarizes the findings and recommendations of the ABA Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project's Florida Assessment Team, which I chaired. Relying on an analysis of caselaw, studies, news reports, and ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Marquette Lawyer Magazine, 2014)
      On November 18, 2013, Nancy J. King, the Lee S. and Charles A. Speir Professor at Vanderbilt Law School, delivered Marquette Law School’s annual George and Margaret Barrock Lecture in Criminal Law. This is an abridgment ...
    • Newton, Michael A., 1962- (Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 2012)
      The constitutional infirmity of the War Powers Resolution has been uniformly demonstrated by more than four decades of bipartisan experience. The Resolution manifestly fails to eliminate the healthy interbranch tensions ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Washington University Law Review, 2007)
      In tort cases, comparative negligence now is the dominant method for determining damages. Under that method, the jury apportions fault among the parties and assesses damages in proportion to the relative fault assessment. ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Duquesne Law Review, 2013)
      This essay addresses the growing use and enforcement of terms in plea agreements by which a defendant waives his right to attack his plea agreement on the basis of constitutionally deficient representation during negotiations ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (Journal of Law and Economics, 1999)
      The estimated health risks from smoking have significant external financial consequences for society. Studies at the national level indicate that cigarettes are selffinancing since external costs such as those due to ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Gvozdeva, Tatiana; Slinko, A.M. (Arkadii M.) (Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2013)
      The goal of this paper is to introduce a new class of simplicial complexes that naturally generalize the threshold complexes. These will be derived from qualitative probability orders on subsets of a finite set that ...
    • Clayton, Ellen Wright (Yale Law Journal, 1978)
      Although genetic disorders have been recognized for centuries, recent advances in the study of human genetics often permit accurate determination of the risk that parents will have genetically defective children.' When ...
    • Newton, Michael A., 1962- (Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 2010)
      Lawfare that erodes the good faith application of the laws and customs of warfare is illegitimate and untenable. This essay outlines the contours of such illegitimate lawfare and provides current examples to guide ...