Now showing items 521-540 of 1354

    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (Georgetown Law Journal, 1989)
      The purpose of parole is to integrate prisoners into society by allowing them to serve a portion of their sentences outside prison. While on parole, the parolee is subject to the continuing supervision of a parole or ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Phillips, Owen R.; Kroll, Stephan (Economist) (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2011)
      We investigate the effect of group versus individual decision-making in the context of risky investment decisions in which all subjects are fully informed of the probabilities and payoffs. Although there is full information, ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Journal, 2002)
      Intellectual property concepts embodied in international treaties and national laws date back to the eighteenth century. Many fundamental concepts (originality in copyright law; confusion in trademark law; novelty or ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Journal of Electronic Publishing, 1999)
      The new world of digital information requires a new way of providing access to that information — while keeping the copyright backbone. It might be technically easier to create a digital infrastructure without copyright: ...
    • Fishman, Joseph P. (Harvard Law Review, 2015)
      It is generally understood that the copyright system constrains downstream creators by limiting their ability to use protected works in follow-on expression. Those who view the promotion of creativity as copyright’s mission ...
    • Blair, Margaret M., 1950- (Seattle University Law Review, 2015)
      In June of 2014, the board of directors of Demoulas Supermarkets, Inc.-better known as Market Basket, a mid-sized chain of grocery stores in New England-decided to oust the man who had been CEO for the previous six years, ...
    • Allensworth, Rebecca Haw (Georgetown Law Journal, 2015)
      In 2013, the Supreme Court made the offhand comment that empirical models and their estimations or predictions are not 'findings offact" deserving of deference on appeal. The four Justices writing in dissent disagreed, ...
    • Allensworth, Rebecca Haw (Iowa Law Review, 2015)
      It is often pointed out that while the United States Supreme Court is the final arbiter in setting antitrust policy and promulgating antitrust rules, it does so too infrequently to be an efficient regulator. And since the ...
    • Newton, Michael A., 1962-; Kuhlman, Casey (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 2010)
      Commanders are the critical path enabling the formation and employment of any fighting organization. By extension, their units are most militarily effective where they are governed by adequate control mechanisms. The classic ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Dreyfus, Mark. K. (Journal of Law and Economics, 1995)
      This article estimates hedonic price models for automobiles using a data set on almost 3,000 households from the U.S. Department of Energy Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey. The standard hedonic models ...
    • Newton, Michael, 1962- (Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, 2010)
      The prohibition on the use of reprisals is widely regarded as one of the most sacrosanct statements of the jus in bello applicable to the conduct of modern hostilities. The textual formulations are stark and subject to no ...
    • Newton, Michael, 1962- (Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 2010)
      The Rome Statute nowhere defines the term "complementarity, " but the plain text of Article 1 compels the conclusion that the International Criminal Court was intended to supplement the foundation of domestic punishment ...
    • Rossi, Jim, 1965- (Energy Law Journal, 2000)
      This article addresses whether traditional service obligations can coexist with retail competition. A rationale often given for universal service obligations in the telecommunications industry is that universal service, ...
    • Ruhl, J. B. (Choices, 2008)
      Second in my series of articles on farming and environmental policy, this article examines farmland stewardship rhetoric in light of the reality of extensive agricultural exemptions from environmental regulation.
    • Guthrie, Chris (Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 2000)
      Options, options, options ....The Negotiation literature-at least the "problem-solving" or "interestbased" or "principled" negotiation literature'repeats this mantra over and over and over. It seems self-evident that having ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Houston Law Review, 2006)
      About a year ago, the Supreme Court in United States v. Booker declared a new standard for the appellate review of federal sentences-reasonableness. Justice Breyer, writing for the Court, asserted reassuringly that the ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2013)
      As all the Roundtable essays note, DaimlerChrysler asks the Supreme Court to decide whether and when the in-­forum activities of a corporate subsidiary should give rise to general personal jurisdiction over the corporate ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 2013)
      The issue of plain packaging is at the very core of the intersection between trade law, intellectual property and public health. Unlike the issue of export of generic pharmaceuticals, which was addressed in the World Trade ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Huber, Joel (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2011)
      The gap between willingness-to-pay (WTP) and willingness-to-accept (WTA) benefit values typifies situations in which reference points — and direction of movement from reference points — are consequential. Why WTA-WTP ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958-; Hoffmann, Joseph L., 1957- (California Law Review Circuit, 2010-08)
      In Boumediene v. Bush, the Supreme Court, in a powerful and eloquent majority opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy, vindicated the right of a non-U.S. citizen, held in custody at a military base outside the United States, ...