Now showing items 1281-1300 of 1354

    • Rossi, Jim, 1965- (Michigan Law Review, 2002)
      The Essay uses three recent books - two by a historians and one by an economist - to address the electric power deregulation fiasco in the U.S. It argues that public law has an important role to play in deregulated markets. ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2005)
      This Essay explores the possibility that the market for online purchases fails to work as efficiently as it can because consumers lack trust in unknown vendors, and it argues that consumer distrust in unknown vendors can ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Martin, Kenneth J. (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2010)
      A bill currently pending in Congress would render unenforceable mandatory arbitration clauses in all employment contracts. Some perceive these provisions as employer efforts to deprive employees of important legal rights. ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Hill, Jennifer G. (Jennifer Gae); Masulis, Ronald W. (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2011)
      The results of our comparison of U.S. and Australian contracts offer some interesting contrasts with several earlier studies that compare U.S. and U.K. CEO compensation. In those prior studies, the authors conclude that ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955- (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2004)
      If we look at convergence through the lens of the Risk Adjustment Theory, then international pay convergence will only occur if U.S. and foreign CEOs' firm-specific risk levels converge. Empirically, this is a difficult ...
    • Cheng, Edward K. (Minnesota Law Review, 2003)
      A number of high-profile toxic tort cases, such as silicone breast implants, have followed a familiar and disturbing path: Early studies suggest a link between a suspected substance and a particular illness. Based on these ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (Chicago-Kent Law Review, 2004)
      As apology advocates have previously emphasized, much of the civil litigation that clogs court dockets in America today could be avoided with a simple heartfelt apology. Although sometimes difficult to offer, these expressions ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965-; Kirchhoefer, Gregg; Blair, Margaret M., 1950- (Brigham Young University Law Review, 2011)
      Firms have increasingly moved productive activities from within to outside the firm through outsourcing arrangements. According to some estimates, the value of outsourcing contracts has been nearly 100 billion dollars per ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Rowland, Steven R.; Dorfman, Howard L.; Walsh, Charles J. (Seton Hall Law Review, 1994)
      This Article examines the interaction between direct regulation of pharmaceuticals under the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and the indirect regulation of pharmaceuticals provided by common law tort incentives. ...
    • Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Missouri Law Review, 2009)
      In this Article, I undertake an evaluation of a method of judicial selection known as "merit selection." The merit system is distinctive from the other systems of judicial selection in the powerful role it accords lawyers. ...
    • Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (The University of Memphis Law Review, 2008)
      In the Spring 2008 issue of the Tennessee Law Review, I wrote an essay questioning whether Tennessee's merit system for selecting appellate judges - the Tennessee Plan - satisfies the requirements of the Tennessee Constitution. ...
    • Cheng, Edward K. (Michigan Law Review, 2006)
      For over twenty years, and particularly since the Supreme Court's Daubert' decision in 1993, much ink has been spilled debating the problem of scientific evidence in the courts. Are jurors or, in the alternative, judges ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (Florida Law Review, 2001)
      The field of law and biology is growing rapidly, and the good scholarship typically has much to do with Owen Jones... The general message that Professor Jones disseminates in his articles is important. Law cannot reach ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (Fordham Urban Law Journal, 2006)
      Should the benefits of risk and environmental regulations be monetized? For economists, this question is not controversial. Benefits of government policies have a value given by society's willingness to pay for these ...
    • Williams, David, 1948- (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 1988)
      If the sole object of our tax law is certainty, then the quest for a bright-line, mechanical test would appear to be justified. Fairness, however, is an equally important objective. If fairness is sacrificed in our rush ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Hersch, Joni, 1956- (Southern California Law Review, 2010)
      This Article proposes that the value of statistical life ("VSL ") be used to set the total damages amount needed for deterrence when punitive damages are warranted in wrongful death cases. The appropriate level of total ...
    • Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2010)
      Class action lawyers are some of the most frequently derided players in our system of civil litigation. It is often asserted that class action lawyers take too much from class judgments as fees, that class actions are ...
    • Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk (Boston College Law Review, 2005)
      Although international law has figured prominently in many disputes around actions of the U.S. military, the precise relationship between international law and the President's war powers has gone largely unexplored. This ...
    • Cheng, Edward K. (Michigan Law Review, 2009)
      Professor Ian Ayres, in his new book, Super Crunchers, details the brave new world of statistical prediction and how it has already begun to affect our lives. For years, academic researchers have known about the considerable ...
    • Cheng, Edward K. (Duke Law Journal, 2007)
      The Supreme Court's Daubert trilogy places judges in the unenviable position of assessing the reliability of often unfamiliar and complex scientific expert testimony. Over the past decade, scholars have therefore explored ...