Now showing items 1-20 of 32

    • Edelman, Paul H.; Sherry, Suzanna (North Carolina Law Review, 2000)
      In this Article, Professors Edelman and Sherry use a probabilistic model to explore the process of coalition formation on the United States Supreme Court. They identify coalition formation as a Markov process with absorbing ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Nagareda, Richard A.; Silver, Charles, 1957- (Supreme Court Economic Review, 2006)
      Multiple-claimant representations--class actions and other group lawsuits-pose two principal-agent problems: Shirking (failure to maximize the aggregate recovery) and misallocation (distribution of the aggregate recovery ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Edelman, Paul H. (American Mathematical Society, 2013)
      In "Math on Trial," Leila Schneps and Coralie Colmez write about the abuse of mathematical arguments in criminal trials and how these flawed arguments "have sent innocent people to prison" (p. ix). Indeed, people "saw their ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Thompson, Robert B., 1949- (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2009)
      Discussion of shareholder voting frequently begins against a background of the democratic expectations and justifications present in decision-making in the public sphere. Directors are assumed to be agents of the shareholders ...
    • Thomas, Randall S., 1955-; Edelman, Paul H. (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2005)
      For many years academics have debated whether it is better to permit hostile acquirers to use tender offers to gain control over unwilling target companies, or to force them to use corporate elections of boards of directors ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Thomas, Randall S., 1955- (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2005)
      For many years academics have debated whether it is better to permit hostile acquirers to use tender offers to gain control over unwilling target companies, or to force them to use corporate elections of boards of directors ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Green Bag 2D, 2009)
      Building on the success of derivatives markets in the financial arena, I show how similar markets can be used to hedge risk in legal academia. Prudent use of these markets will generate cash, mitigate errors in hiring, and ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Constitutional Commentary, 2004)
      In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Lawrence Sirovich introduced two novel mathematical techniques to study patterns in recent Supreme Court decisions. One of these methods, information ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Cheng, Edward K.; Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Journal of Legal Analysis, 2021)
      As consolidated multidistrict litigation has come to dominate the federal civil docket, the problem of how to divide attorney fees among participating firms has become the source of frequent and protracted litigation. For ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- (Southern California Law Review, 1996)
      We respond to Professor Lynn A. Baker's criticisms of our article, The Most Dangerous Justice: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Mathematics. Professor Baker fundamentally misunderstands our measure of Supreme Court voting ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2006)
      Over the last 40 years of one person, one vote jurisprudence, the Supreme Court has distilled a stable and predictable test for resolving the basic numerical issue in equal representation: how much population difference ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Michigan Law Review Online, 2018)
      In Evenwel v Abbott the Supreme Court left open the question of whether states could employ population measures other than total population as a basis for drawing representative districts so as to meet the requirement of ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Constitutional Commentary, 2002)
      Can mathematics be used to inform legal analysis? This is not a ridiculous question. Law has certain superficial resemblances to mathematics. One might view the Constitution and various statutes as providing "axioms" for ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- (Minnesota Law Review, 2001)
      Who is the most powerful Supreme Court Justice? In 1996 we measured voting power on the Court according to each Justice's ability to form five-member coalitions. From the set of all coalitions formed by the Court during ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- (Constitutional Commentary, 2007)
      In this essay, our third and last in a series, we employ our previously developed techniques to measure the power of the Justices in the Rehnquist Court over its full 11 year run. Once again, Justice Kennedy rises to the ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Chen, Jim, 1966- (Southern California Law Review, 1996)
      We analyze the relative voting power of the Justices based upon Supreme Court decisions during October Term 1994 and October Term 1995. We take two approaches, both based on ideas derived from cooperative game theory. One ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; George, Tracey E., 1967- (The Green Bag Almanac & Reader, 2009)
      In Six Degrees of Cass Sunstein: Collaboration Networks in Legal Scholarship (11 Green Bag 2d 19 (2007)) we began the study of the collaboration network in legal academia. We concluded that the central figure in the network ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Supreme Court Economic Review, 2015)
      There is consensus among legal scholars that, when choosing among multiple alternatives, the Condorcet winner, should it exist, is the preferred option. In this essay I will refute that claim, both normatively and positively. ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Journal of Legal Studies, 2002)
      There has been a spate of interest in the application of the Condorcet Jury Theorem to issues in the law. This theorem holds that a majority vote among a suitably large body of voters, all of whom are more likely than not ...
    • Edelman, Paul H.; Brams, Steven J.; Fishburn, Peter C. (The Journal of Philosophy, 2001)
      Paradoxes, if they do not define a field, render its problems intriguing and often perplexing, especially insofar as the paradoxes remain unresolved. Voting theory, for example, has been greatly stimulated by the Condorcet ...