Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Sitaraman, Ganesh (Columbia Law Review, 2014)
      The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC is widely considered a major roadblock for campaign finance reform, and particularly for limiting third party spending in federal elections. In response to the decision, ...
    • Swain, Carol M. (Carol Miller) (Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2007)
      In passing a watered-down piece of legislation (in July 2006), the Senate missed a critical opportunity to truly strengthen Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and protect voters against voting rights violations on a ...
    • Swain, Carol M. (Carol Miller) (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1996)
      With the Supreme Court's latest rulings, redistricters can no longer pack minority voters into super-minority districts. The effect of those decisions thus may ulti­ mately be far more beneficial for minority­ group voters ...