Now showing items 509-528 of 1363

    • Sherry, Suzanna (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2002)
      Every time a new technology creates legal problems, we face in a particular context the general question of relative institutional competence. Do we turn first to the judiciary, allowing time for a gradual solution derived ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher, 1951- (Florida Law Review, 1996)
      If the assertions that this essay makes about the Court's "unfair" prosecution-orientation withstand scrutiny,"3 two further conclusions might follow. First, the highest court in the country is so fixated on ensuring that ...
    • Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Moran, Beverly I. (Kentucky Law Journal, 2013)
      We examine whether two national newspapers (The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal) provide a realistic representation of sexual harassment in the workplace by comparing media coverage to empirical evidence on ...
    • Clayton, Ellen W.; Yin, Zhijun; Song, Lijun; Malin, Bradley A. (PLoS One, 2020)
      This research demonstrates that online social media platforms can serve as a rich resource for characterizing actual DTC-GT experiences. The findings suggest that DTC-GT consumers’ purchasing behaviors are associated with ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (Regulation, 1982)
      My review of recent risk regulation policies necessarily starts with the new oversight group within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), because it has been the dominant force for improvement thus far. Unfortunately, ...
    • O'Connor, Erin O'Hara, 1965- (Georgetown Law Journal, 1990)
      This note argues that to deter negligent behavior adequately, tortfeasors should be held liable for what may be the most substantial cost they impose on accident victims-"hedonic damages," or the loss of the value of life ...
    • Seymore, Sean B., 1971- (UCLA Law Review, 2008)
      A bedrock principle of patent law is that an applicant must sufficiently disclose the invention in exchange for the right to exclude. The essential facet of the disclosure requirement is enablement, which compels a patent ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2010)
      The refinement in worker fatality risk data used in hedonic wage studies and evidence from new stated preference studies have facilitated the exploration of the heterogeneity of the value of statistical life (VSL). Although ...
    • Guthrie, Chris; Korobkin, Russell (Marquette Law Review, 2004)
      In this essay, written for a symposium on The Emerging Interdisciplinary Cannon of Negotiation, we examine the role of heuristics in negotiation from two vantage points. First, we identify the way in which some common ...
    • Guthrie, Chris; Rachlinski, Jeffrey John; Wistrich, Andrew J. (Duke Law Journal, 2009)
      Administrative law judges attract little scholarly attention, yet they decide a large fraction of all civil disputes. In this Article, we demonstrate that these executive branch judges, like their counterparts in the ...
    • Bruce, Jon W.; Swygert, Michael (The Hastings Law Journal, 1985)
      Most accredited law schools in the United States publish a student-edited law review containing scholarly writing about recent court decisions, unresolved issues of law, and other topics of interest to the legal community. ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (The Supreme Court Review, 2011)
      Class action plaintiffs lost two major five-to-four cases last Term, with potentially significant consequences for future class litigation: AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion and Wal-Mart v. Dukes. The tragedy is that the impact ...
    • Brandon, Mark E. (Emory Law, 2003)
      For more than a century the Supreme Court of the United States has championed family as an institution of constitutional significance. The Court recently affirmed this position in Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000). ...
    • Moran, Beverly I. (Fordham International Law Journal, 2001)
      For the last fifty years we have seen an outflow of United States laws to developing countries. This legal outflow has caused problems of enforcement in societies that do not share the values, needs or concerns of the law ...
    • Fishman, Joseph P. (Notre Dame Law Review, 2017)
      One of intellectual property theory’s operating assumptions is that creating is hard while copying is easy. But it is not always so. Copies, though outwardly identical, can come from different processes, from cheap digital ...
    • Stratton, Leslie S.; Hersch, Joni, 1956- (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2000)
      Empirical research has consistently shown that married men have substantially higher wages, on average, than otherwise similar unmarried men. One commonly cited hypothesis to explain this pattern is that marriage allows ...
    • Hersch, Joni, 1956-; Stratton, Leslie S. (American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 1994)
      While the popular press may have declared housework passe with the advent of the two-income household (see "Housework is Obsolescent" by Barbara Ehrenreich [1993] for one such example), the facts indicate that housework ...
    • Bressman, Lisa Schultz (Vanderbilt Law Review, 2005)
      In "United States v. Mead Corp.", the Supreme Court held that an agency is entitled to Chevron deference for interpretations of ambiguous statutory provisions only if Congress delegates, and the agency exercises, authority ...
    • Hans, G.S. (Georgia State University Law Review 427 (2021), 2021)
      The Theranos saga encompasses many discrete areas of law. Reporting on Theranos, most notably John Carreyrou's Bad Blood, highlights the questionable ethical decisions that many of the attorneys involved made. The lessons ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher (The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), 2018-04-24)
      Anyone interested in American criminal justice has to wonder why we have so many more people in prison—in absolute as well as relative terms—than the western half of the European continent, the part of the world most readily ...