Now showing items 887-906 of 1363

    • Sherry, Suzanna; Edelman, Paul H. (California Law Review, 2002)
      In this essay, Professors Edelman and Sherry explain the mathematics behind the allocation of congressional seats to each state, and survey the different methods of allocation that Congress has used over the years. Using ...
    • Gervais, Daniel; Frankel, Susy (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 2013)
      Plain packaging of cigarettes as a way of reducing tobacco consumption and its related health costs and effects raises a number of international trade law issues. The plain packaging measures adopted in Australia impose ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 2013)
      The issue of plain packaging is at the very core of the intersection between trade law, intellectual property and public health. Unlike the issue of export of generic pharmaceuticals, which was addressed in the World Trade ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Duquesne Law Review, 2013)
      This essay addresses the growing use and enforcement of terms in plea agreements by which a defendant waives his right to attack his plea agreement on the basis of constitutionally deficient representation during negotiations ...
    • Ruhl, J. B. (Southwestern Law Journal, 1991)
      These days, if you want to stir up high emotions in Congress, statehouses, corporate boardrooms or citizen group meetings, mention the word Superfund. That alias for the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Constitutional Commentary, 1999)
      This article is part of a symposium on constitutional law, the theme of which is to explore real constitutional issues deriving from specific cases within a fictional exercise. These cases, all taken from the historical ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher (Cato Supreme Court Review, 2021)
      What is the proper role of the police? That question has been at the forefront of debates about policing for quite some time, but especially in the past year. One answer, spurred by countless news stories about black people ...
    • Rose, Amanda M.; LeBlanc, Larry J.; Rose (Florida Law Review, 2013)
      Multiple different securities law enforcers can pursue U.S. public companies for the same misconduct. These enforcers include a variety of federal agencies, class action attorneys, and derivative litigation attorneys, as ...
    • Slobogin, Christopher (Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2019)
      Databases are full of personal information that law enforcement might find useful. Government access to these databases can be divided into five categories: suspect-driven; profile-driven; event-driven; program-driven and ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Viscusi, W. Kip (Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 2010)
      Economic research has developed estimates of the heterogeneity of the value of statistical life (VSL) on dimensions such as individual age, income, immigrant status, and the nature of the risk exposure. This paper examines ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; Kniesner, Thomas J.; Ziliak, James Patrick (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2010)
      We examine differences in the value of statistical life (VSL) across potential wage levels in panel data using quantile regressions with intercept heterogeneity. Latent heterogeneity is econometrically important and affects ...
    • Rossi, Jim, 1965- (Washington University Law Quarterly, 2005)
      Federal judicial deference to state and local regulation is at the center of contentious debates regarding the implementation of competition policy. This Article invokes a political process bargaining framework to develop ...
    • Ruhl, J. B. (Minnesota Law Review, 2012)
      Many people and businesses in the United States stand to receive market and nonmarket benefits from climate change as it moves forward over the next 100 years. Speaking of climate change benefits is not for polite 'green' ...
    • Rossi, Jim, 1965- (Tulane Law Review, 2009)
      Public choice themes have arisen throughout the history of U.S. energy regulation and continue to be relevant today, particularly with widespread discussion of deregulation and increased attention to climate change. This ...
    • Sherry, Suzanna (Missouri Law Review, 2005)
      Two hundred years after its most famous invocation in Marbury v. Madison, judicial review has apparently lost its luster. Despite its global spread, it is in disrepute in its country of origin. The mainstream American ...
    • Fitzpatrick, Brian T. (Missouri Law Review, 2009)
      In this Article, I undertake an evaluation of a method of judicial selection known as "merit selection." The merit system is distinctive from the other systems of judicial selection in the powerful role it accords lawyers. ...
    • Mikos, Robert A. (Ohio State Law Journal, 2007)
      Extant legal scholarship often portrays citizens as the catalysts of federalization. Scholars say that citizens pressure Congress to impose their morals on people living in other states, to trump home-state laws with which ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1995)
      There has been a remarkable increase during the last decade in the imposition of overlapping civil, administrative, and criminal sanctions for the same misconduct,' as well as a steady rise in the severity of those sanctions.2 ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958-; Proctor, Gray (Federal Sentencing Reporter, 2011)
      This article addresses questions that may face courts as defendants seek relief under the Court’s decision in Padilla v. Kentucky, which held that counsel’s failure to adequately inform the defendant of the deportation ...
    • King, Nancy J., 1958- (Michigan Law Review, 1993)
      As the Court has expanded its definition of jury selection techniques that violate constitutional standards, it has narrowed the circumstances that entitle defendants to postconviction relief. These two developments are ...