Now showing items 81-100 of 196

    • McKanders, Karla Mari (Catholic University Law Review, 2012)
      Two seemingly different federal enforcement systems that affect the movement of unskilled workers — the 1793 and 1850 Fugitive Slave Acts and current state immigration enforcement policies — have remarkable similarities. ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Lewis & Clark Law Review, 2019)
      The traditional (Arnstein) test for copyright infringement is satisfied when the owner of a valid copyright establishes unauthorized copying by the defendant. To demonstrate unauthorized copying, one of the major tests is ...
    • Ruhl, J.B. (Chicago-Kent Law Review, 2018)
      So, what is one to do about The Tarlock Effect? It didn't take long for me to realize early in my academic career-well before my foray into climate change adaptation policy-that there's just no escaping it. So I learned ...
    • Hersch, Joni (Journal of Legal Education, 2017)
      Students who leave their JD program before graduation leave empty handed, without an additional degree or other credential indicating that their law school studies had any professional, educational, or marketable value. ...
    • Mikos, Robert A. (Montana Law Review, 2015)
      The federalization of criminal law arguably threatens the states’ traditional police powers. Congress has criminalized myriad activities the states condone (or at least tolerate); it has denied federal criminal defendants ...
    • Vandenbergh, Michael P.; Barkenbus, Jack; Gilligan, Jonathan (UCLA Law Review, 2008)
      The individual and household sector generates roughly 30 to 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and is a potential source of prompt and large emissions reductions. Yet the assumption that only extensive government ...
    • Mayeux, Sara (Iowa Law Review, 2014)
      Isabella Nitti-the first woman sentenced to death in Illinois-was national news in her time. Today she is remembered (if at all) as one of the notorious "husband killers" who inspired the Broadway play Chicago. Less well ...
    • Clarke, Jessica A. (Duke Law Journal, 2013)
      In the course of debates over same-sex marriage, many scholars have proposed new legal definitions of sexual orientation to better account for the role of relationships in constituting identities. But these discussions ...
    • Clarke, Jessica A. (Duke Law Journal, 2013)
      In the course of debates over same-sex marriage, many scholars have proposed new legal definitions of sexual orientation to better account for the role of relationships in constituting identities. But these discussions ...
    • Skiba, Paige Marta; Dobbie, Will (American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2013)
      This paper tests for incentive and selection effects in a subprime consumer credit market. We estimate the incentive effect of loan size on default using sharp discontinuities in loan eligibility rules. This allows us to ...
    • Yadav, Yesha (Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 2018)
      This essay offers brief observations on the internal coherence of the rationales underlying the prohibition against insider trading, taking the opportunity offered by Newman and Salman to reflect on its central policy aims. ...
    • Clayton, Ellen Wright; Loomer, Stephanie; Lu, Christine Y.; Ceccarelli, Rachel; Mazor, Kathleen M.; Sabin, James; Ginsburg, Geoffrey S.; Wu, Ann Chen (Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2018)
      Abstract: Insurance coverage policies are a major determinant of patient access to genomic tests. The objective of this study was to examine differences in coverage policies for guideline-recommended pharmacogenomic tests ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (Michigan Journal of International Law, 2019)
      Investor-state dispute-settlement (ISDS) clauses give multinational investors (corporations) a right to sue a state in a binding proceeding before an independent arbitration tribunal. This jurisgenerative right to file a ...
    • Wuerth, Ingrid Brunk (Marquette Law Review, 2018)
      It is a great honor to deliver this lecture in honor of the late Dean Robert F. Boden. I am grateful to all of you for attending. My topic tonight is international law and peace among nations. It may seem a poor fit for a ...
    • Maroney, Terry; Blix, Stina Bergman; Mack, Kathy; Anleu, Sharyn Roach (Onati Socio-Legal Series, 2019)
      This special issue of Oñati Socio-Legal Series, titled Judging, Emotion and Emotion Work, is the result of presentations and discussions during an interdisciplinary workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology ...
    • Jones, Owen D.; Kurzban, Robert (University of Chicago Law Review, 2010)
      Recent work reveals, contrary to wide-spread assumptions, remarkably high levels of agreement about how to rank order, by blameworthiness, wrongs that involve physical harms, takings of property, or deception in exchanges. ...
    • Gervais, Daniel J. (U.C. Irvine Law Review, 2018)
      The triangular interface between trade, intellectual property (IP) and human rights has yet to be fully formed, both doctrinally and normatively. Adding investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) to the mix increases the ...
    • Edelman, Paul H. (Michigan Law Review Online, 2018)
      In Evenwel v Abbott the Supreme Court left open the question of whether states could employ population measures other than total population as a basis for drawing representative districts so as to meet the requirement of ...
    • Clayton, Ellen W.; Slobogin, Christopher; Hazel, J.W.; Malin, B.A. (Science, 2018)
      There is evidence that existing forensic databases have more than made up for their initial costs by increasing the efficiency, accuracy, and success rate of ongoing criminal investigations and by deterring would-be crimals. ...
    • George, Tracey E.; Guthrie, Chris (Journal of Legal Education, 2002)
      In the absence of empirical evidence and in the face of conflicting intuitions, there is no way to assess the relevance of collaborative work to the development of law and legal scholarship. In this essay we seek to fill ...