Now showing items 223-242 of 682

    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-01-18)
      Today on the podcast, we’re sharing a conversation with two people who have some very useful thoughts to share about why students report an increase workload during the pandemic, while faculty report making intentional ...
    • Bruff, Derek; Price, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-02-01)
      Jesse Stommel is an author, speaker, and teacher with a focus on education, critical digital pedagogy, and documentary film. He’s the co-founder of the Digital Pedagogy Lab, a fantastic professional development workshop ...
    • Bruff, Derek; Walmsley, Thayer (Vanderbilt University, 2021-02-15)
      Forrest Charnock is a senior lecturer in physics here at Vanderbilt University and the director of the undergraduate physics labs. Like other lab directors in 2020, Forrest had to get creative to adapt his labs to remote ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-03-01)
      Back in 2019, the Center for Teaching, along with a few other units on campus, hosted a Learning at Play symposium about teaching with games and simulations. Listeners may recall that Mark Sample from Davidson College was ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-04-05)
      In October 2020, Stephen Kosslyn published a new book called Active Learning Online: Five Principles that Make Online Courses Come Alive. The book draws on Kosslyn’s experiences at Minerva, but also his very long and ...
    • Anderson, Clifford; Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-04-19)
      Cliff Anderson is Vanderbilt’s associate university librarian for research and digital strategy, and he’s back on the podcast interviewing another author of a fascinating book Cliff read recently. This time, he speaks with ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-06-07)
      Jenae Cohn is the director of academic technology at California State University at Sacramento and the author of a new book on digital reading from West Virginia University Press. The book is called Skim, Dive, Surface: ...
    • Fowlin, Juaine; Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-10-04)
      In this episode, Julaine Fowlin talks with Courtney Gamston, professor of the practice of experiential education at the Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn University. Julaine worked at the Harrison School as an instructional ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-10-18)
      On this episode of Leading Lines, producer Cliff Anderson brings us an interview with Morgan Ames, author of The Charisma Machine: The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop Per Child, published in 2019 by MIT Press. One ...
    • Bruff, Derek; ; (Vanderbilt University, 2021-11-01)
      Brooke Ackerly and Kristin Michelitch, both political science professors here at Vanderbilt University, are editing a forthcoming special issue of the journal PS: Political Science and Politics focused on Wikipedia, the ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-11-15)
      For this momentous occasion, Derek Bruff reached out to Zoe LeBlanc, a Vanderbilt doctoral student who was interviewed way back during the first season (Episode 8) to see if she would come back on the podcast to talk about ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-12-06)
      Eunice Ofori is a senior instructional designer at the Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching at Tulane University in New Orleans. She has a PhD in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on instructional design and ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2021-12-20)
      Tazin Daniels is an assistant director at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan. She has a doctorate in medical anthropology and her current scholarship focuses on promoting equity ...
    • Bruff, Derek; Fowlin, Juliane (Vanderbilt University, 2022-01-03)
      Our newest Leading Lines producer, Julaine Fowlin, is back with another lively interview. She talks with Carl Moore about his passion for digital transformation in education, fostering culture change on a university campus, ...
    • Bruff, Derek; ; (Vanderbilt University, 2022-01-17)
      In September 2021, Derek Bruff had the opportunity to visit the Farminary at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey. The Farminary is a working farm on the seminary campus that’s integrated in the seminary curriculum. ...
    • Bruff, Derek; Leah Marion Roberts (Vanderbilt University, 2022-02-07)
      This episode begins our new mini-series on bodies and embodiment. Leah Marion Roberts, senior graduate teaching fellow at the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching, interviews experts who can help us understand why paying attention ...
    • Buff, Derek; Johnson, Stacey M. (Vanderbilt University, 2022-02-21)
      In this episode, Leading Lines’ own Stacey Margarita Johnson and Derek Bruff discuss student-produced podcasts. Stacey and Derek share their own experiences with podcast assignments and, by searching through the Leading ...
    • Bruff, Derek Robert, Leah Marion (Vanderbilt University, 2022-03-21)
      In this episode, we continue our mini-series on bodies and embodiment produced by Leah Marion Roberts, Senior Graduate Teaching Fellow at the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching. Leah has been interviewing experts who can help ...
    • Bruff, Derek Fowlin, Julaine (Vanderbilt University, 2022-04-04)
      Deep learning is the kind of learning we want form our students, but it’s also the hardest kind of learning to foster in our students. In today’s episode, we hear from Monica Sulecio de Alvarez, a learning experience ...
    • Bruff, Derek (Vanderbilt University, 2022-04-18)
      James Paul Gee wrote a book on games that pointed out how much learning happens when you play a game. Gee was writing about video games, but the same is true for analog games, like board games. Designing a game for players ...