Now showing items 865-884 of 967

    • Hallett, Andrew Hughes; Weymark, Diana N. (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      In this paper, we explore whether heterogeneity among union members could threaten the stability of the EMU. The types of heterogeneity we consider are (1) asymmetries in the transmission of monetary and fiscal policies, ...
    • Collins, William J.; Shester, Katharine L. (Vanderbilt University, 2010)
      The Housing Act of 1949 established a federally subsidized program that helped cities clear areas of existing buildings for redevelopment, rehabilitate deteriorating structures, complete comprehensive city plans, and enforce ...
    • Siegfried, John J.; Sanderson, Allen R.; McHenry, Peter (Vanderbilt University, 2006)
      This essay describes methodological approaches and pitfalls common to studies of the economic impact of colleges and universities. Such studies often claim local benefits that imply annualized rates of return on local ...
    • Laing, Derek; Palivos, Theodore; Wang, Ping (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      A dynamic general equilibrium model of search and matching is constructed in which: (i) the stock of public knowledge grows through time and (ii) workers accumulate a fraction of this knowledge through education while ...
    • Bayrak, Ergin; Conley, John; Wilkie, Simon (Vanderbilt University, 2011)
      Cloud computing brings together several existing technologies including service oriented architecture, distributed grid computing, virtualization, and broadband networking to provide software, infrastructure, and platforms ...
    • Siegfried, John J. (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      Membership and conference attendance trends of regional economics associations are reported and analyzed. Although membership and conference attendance grow steadily at the American Economic Association, both are stagnant ...
    • List, John A.; Lucking-Reiley, David (Vanderbilt University, 2000)
      We test two recent theories on the subject of charitable fundraising in capital campaigns. Andreoni (1998) predicts that publicly announced seed contributions can increase the total amount of charitable giving in a capital ...
    • Eden, Benjamin (Vanderbilt University, 2007)
      The welfare gains from adopting a zero nominal interest policy depend on the implementation details. Here I focus on a government loan program that crowds out lending and borrowing and other money substitutes. Since money ...
    • Zissimos, Ben (Vanderbilt University, 2006)
      This paper shows how the institutional rules imposed on its signatories by the GATT created a strategic incentive for countries to liberalize gradually. Trade liberalization must be gradual, and free trade can never be ...
    • Collins, William J. (Vanderbilt University, 2003)
      This paper measures the housing market impact of state-level anti-discrimination laws in the 1960s using household-level and census-tract data. State-level "fair-housing" laws attempted to bar discrimination on the basis ...
    • Brett, Craig; Weymark, John A. (Vanderbilt University, 2007)
      The impact of changing an individual's skill level on the solution to a finite population version of the Mirrlees optimal nonlinear income tax problem with quasilinear-in-leisure preferences is investigated. It is shown ...
    • Collins, William J.; Margo, Robert A. (Vanderbilt University, 2003)
      Between 1964 and 1971, hundreds of riots erupted in American cities, resulting in large numbers of injuries, deaths, and arrests, as well as in considerable property damage that was concentrated in predominantly black ...
    • Stock, Wendy A.; Siegfried, John J. (Vanderbilt University, 2005)
      This paper describes the characteristics and labor market experiences of new agricultural and natural resource (ANR) economics Ph.D.s, based on surveys of graduates in 1996-97 and 2001-02. An average of 185 new Ph.D.s in ...
    • Collins, William J. (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      By the time Congress passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 98 percent of non-southern blacks (40 percent of all blacks) were already covered by state-level "fair employment" laws which prohibited labor market discrimination. ...
    • Cartwright, Edward; Wooders, Myrna (Vanderbilt University, 2005)
      We consider a general equilibrium local public goods economy in which agents have two distinguishing characteristics. The first is 'crowding type,' which is publicly observable and provides direct costs or benefits to the ...
    • Weymark, John A. (Vanderbilt University, 2003)
      This article provides an introduction to the normative approach to multidimensional inequality measurement. Multivariate generalizations of the procedures used to construct univariate inequality indices from social evaluation ...
    • Reny, Philip J.; Winter, Eyal; Wooders, Myrna (Vanderbilt University, 2009)
      An outcome of a game is partnered if there are no asymmetric dependencies between any two players. For a cooperative game, a payoff is in the partnered core of the game if it is partnered, feasible and cannot be improved ...
    • Ahlin, Chris; Bose, Pinaki (Vanderbilt University, 2002)
      Bribery, it has been argued, allocates resources efficiently. We show that this conclusion need not hold in a dynamic extension of a simple static model in which it does. When permits are awarded over time and applicants ...
    • Collins, William J. (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      This paper explores the political economy of anti-discrimination legislation during the ascendancy of the Civil Rights Movement. It traces the diffusion of state-level fair employment legislation and evaluates the relative ...
    • Hutchinson, William K. (Vanderbilt University, 2001)
      This paper examines the impact of a stock of immigrants in the United States on American exports to their home country during the period 1870 to 1910. Our data set spans the exports of 44 commodities to 17 countries observed ...