Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Marshall, Clayton Benjamin (2016-03-18)
      Department: Biochemistry
      The pivotal role of the transcription factor p53 in tumor suppression remains unchallenged; however, the role of its family member, p73, in normal cellular function and tumorigenesis is far from certain. The goal of this ...
    • Beeler, John Scott Austin (2019-11-01)
      Department: Biochemistry
      p63 is a transcriptional regulator of ectodermal development that is required for basal cell proliferation and stem cell maintenance. p73 is a closely related p53 family member that is expressed in select p63-positive basal ...
    • Santos Guasch, Gabriela Lynette (2018-10-30)
      Department: Biochemistry
      The p53 family of transcription factors, p53, p63 and p73, regulate a wide array of cellular processes from cell cycle control to organ development and cell differentiation. The goal of this dissertation is to understand ...