Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Culver, Daniel A.; Behr, Jurgen; Belperio, John A.; Corte, Tamera J.; de Andrade, Joao A.; Flaherty, Kevin R.; Gulati, Mridu; Huie, Tristan J.; Lancaster, Lisa H.; Roman, Jesse; Ryerson, Christopher; Kim, Hyun J. (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2019-07-15)
      Over the past decade, several large registries of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have been established. These registries are collecting a wealth of longitudinal data on thousands of patients with this ...
    • Lozano-Ortega, Greta; Johnston, Karissa M.; Cheung, Antoinette; Wagg, Adrian; Campbell, Noll L.; Dmochowski, Roger R.; Ng, Daniel B. (Archives of Gerontogy and Geriatrics, 2020-03)
      Background/objectives: Available metrics for characterizing cumulative anticholinergic exposure over time may not be well suited for use across all US data sources. In this review, the properties of existing anticholinergic ...