Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Viscusi, W. Kip; McMichael, Benjamin J.; Van Horn, R. Lawrence (Stanford Law Review, 2019)
      Abstract. Based on case studies indicating that apologies from physicians to patients can promote healing, understanding, and dispute resolution, thirty-nine states (and the District of Columbia) have sought to reduce ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; McMichael, Benjamin J. (University of Illinois Law Review, 2019)
      Blockbuster punitive damages awards, i.e., those awards exceeding $100 million, attract attention based on their sheer size. While there have been fewer such awards in the last decade, they remain an important presence in ...
    • Viscusi, W. Kip; McMichael, Benjamin J. (University of Illinois Law Review, 2019)
      Blockbuster punitive damages awards, i.e., those awards exceeding $100 million, attract attention based on their sheer size. While there have been fewer such awards in the last decade, they remain an important presence in ...