Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Hans, G.S. (Cleveland State Law Review, 2021)
      A cornerstone of First Amendment doctrine is that counterspeech - speech that responds to speech, including disfavored, unpopular, or offensive speech - is preferable to government censorship or speech regulation. The ...
    • Hans, G.S. (Clinical Law Review, 2019)
      The demographics of clinical law faculties matter. As Professor Jon Dubin persuasively argued nearly twenty years ago in his article Faculty Diversity as a Clinical Legal Education Imperative, clinical faculty of color ...
    • Hans, G.S. (Georgia State University Law Review 427 (2021), 2021)
      The Theranos saga encompasses many discrete areas of law. Reporting on Theranos, most notably John Carreyrou's Bad Blood, highlights the questionable ethical decisions that many of the attorneys involved made. The lessons ...
    • Hans, G.S. (Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 2021)
      Privacy and free speech are often described as oppositional forces. This Essay analyzes First Amendment jurisprudence emphasizing the ten years after Sorrell vs. IMS Health was decided in 2011. In this Essay, Hans ...