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Keep Your Hand on That Plow and Hold On

dc.contributor.authorSettles, Odessa
dc.descriptionOdessa Settles, a native Nashvillian, is an artist with experience in the performing arts. The song Odessa performed at the Sacred Blues Concert, “Keep Your Hand on That Plow and Hold On,” addresses the dichotomous yet blended nature of sacred and blues. Growing up in an African American family and culture whose spiritual music included songs of hope and freedom, she saw how music helps one cope and persevere. Witnessing the Civil Rights Movement led her to spend her life building bridges in the spirit of reconciliation and working to end racial inequalities. To this end, music is her tool of choice, enabling her to collaborate with like-minded people. Currently, she is active both in the music industry, as a folk singer, songwriter, and manager of local music groups, and as an RN working with infants born at risk, thereby fulfilling her missions in life to minister to the sick and work as an artist teaching others the lessons she has learned.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipVanderbilt Divinity School, Downtown Presbyterian Church at Nashville, Center for the Study of Religion and Cultureen_US
dc.subjectMusic, Religion, and the Southen_US
dc.subjectGod in Music Cityen_US
dc.subjectVanderbilt University. -- Divinity Library Exhibit 2012en_US
dc.subject.lcshBlues (Music)en_US
dc.subject.lcshSpirituals (Songs)en_US
dc.subject.lcshSettles, Odessaen_US
dc.subject.lcshVanderbilt University. -- Center for the Study of Religion and Cultureen_US
dc.titleKeep Your Hand on That Plow and Hold Onen_US
dc.typeRecording, musicalen_US

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