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Multicultural Chaplaincy through First Korean Immigrants’ Perspective

dc.contributor.authorKim, Do In
dc.descriptionDivinity School Doctor of Ministry in Integrative Chaplaincy Final Projects
dc.description.abstractThis project is about multicultural chaplaincy. We have learned the importance of cultural differences during CPE programs and other training, yet we have a hard time approaching this cultural barrier effectively in practice. In this Project, I develop a practical theological approach through Korean immigrant cases. There are cultural barriers related to using the healthcare system among Korean immigrants in America as well as cultural differences that can result in mental health issues such as depression and cultural trauma. I use three Biblical wisdoms from the Protestant perspective related to cultural issues to provide better spiritual support for patients, their families, and staff in hospital settings. From the perspective of patient-centered care, cultural issues are essential and have an important position in a multicultural society. Chaplains in medical settings should know how to effectively give spiritual care to patients of various cultures. Through greater attention to Korean immigrants, we can practice the principles of multicultural chaplaincy, which are relevant to anyone who struggles with cultural barriers. Here, Anderson’s five steps are particularly helpful from which I develop eight guidelines for multicultural chaplaincy from a Korean immigrant perspective.
dc.subjectMulticultural Chaplaincy
dc.subjectFirst Korean Immigrants’ Perspective
dc.subjectEight guidelines to multicultural chaplaincy
dc.subjectThe five steps for spiritual/cultural competency
dc.subjectcultural sensibility
dc.titleMulticultural Chaplaincy through First Korean Immigrants’ Perspective

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