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Providing Pastoral and Spiritual Care for US Service Members who have been Negatively Othered

dc.contributor.authorHeadley, Carl
dc.descriptionDivinity School Doctor of Ministry in Integrative Chaplaincy Final Projects
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this project is to critically examine and explore the traumatic impact that being negatively othered (NO) can have on active military service members (SMs), particularly among its minority members in a multicultural and global military. Chaplains can play a significant role in assisting SMs who have experienced negative othering. By considering their role in their command, their presence, interactions, communications, advocacy and influence, chaplains can foster not just a more inclusive environment but one that is robust, balanced, and filled with meaning and purpose. The objective is twofold: first, provide a safe space where SMs can receive care to recover and heal, and second, for Navy Chaplains to consider and confront their own contributions and biases towards those being NO. In a military setting, the reality is that negative othering exists, and tolerated, though often denied. One of the reasons not to address the issue of negative othering is because it is deemed as a mere distraction from the mission. Chaplains can be a lynchpin that fosters and anchors the change needed. While little work is available on the topic of being NO in the military setting, there is ample research and discussion on the topic of othering in various fields and settings, including the mental and health field, education, media, and others. I believe exploring this subject through this new lens can help Navy Chaplains’ spiritual care response. Chaplains have various tools and methods they could employ to assist commands to address and minimize this concern.
dc.subjectNegative Othering
dc.subjectUS Service Members
dc.subjectChaplains Vocation
dc.subjectSpiritual Care and Advocacy
dc.titleProviding Pastoral and Spiritual Care for US Service Members who have been Negatively Othered

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