Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Short, Sarah Palmer (2015-04-05)
      Department: Cancer Biology
      E-cadherin is widely recognized as a tumor- and/or metastasis suppressor, with its activity as a cell-cell adhesion receptor is dependent on tightly coupled interactions with cytoplasmic cofactors p120-, α-, and β-catenins. ...
    • Ripley, Anna Nesset (2004-03-29)
      Department: Cell and Developmental Biology
      I will introduce two novel genes isolated by my laboratory, hole and bves. This document will show that the benefits of gene discovery are invaluable. Bves, a novel family of cell adhesion molecules have been identified ...
    • Osler, Megan Emery (2005-11-01)
      Department: Cell and Developmental Biology
      The work contained in this document provides the first description and characterization of Bves, a gene product identified by our laboratory, in epithelial cell types. Studies addressed a central hypothesis that Bves plays ...
    • Taneja, Nilay; 0000-0002-9046-0953 (2020-09-23)
      Department: Cell & Developmental Biology
      The molecular motor myosin-II (MII) generates mechanical tension on the actin cytoskeleton to drive cell shape changes during cell division, cell migration and tissue morphogenesis. How these actomyosin networks generate ...
    • Hansen, Amanda Georgia (2013-07-17)
      Department: Cancer Biology
      Cell adhesion molecules play a vital role in modulating both normal and tumor cell behavior. The focus of my research has been to investigate the contribution of Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM) to tumor ...