Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Chong, Fan Fei (2014-06-09)
      Department: Mathematics
      Generalizing E-theory for C*-algebras of A. Connes and N. Higson, we defined E-theory for Lp algebras - a bivariant K-theory for closed algebra of bounded linear operators on some Lp(µ) space. We showed that our theory has ...
    • Spakula, Jan (2008-07-17)
      Department: Mathematics
      We construct a uniform version of the analytic K-homology theory and prove its basic properties such as a Mayer-Vietoris sequence. We show that uniform K-homology is isomorphic to a direct limit of K-theories of certain ...
    • Nica, Bogdan (2009-07-27)
      Department: Mathematics
      We study the interplay between spectral morphisms, K-theory, and stable ranks for Banach algebras and, more generally, for Frechet algebras with open group of invertibles. After some preliminaries on the Gelfand transform, ...
    • Zhou, Dapeng (2013-12-13)
      Department: Mathematics
      The Atiyah-Singer index theorem has been vastly generaized to higher index theory for elliptic operators in the context of noncommutative geometry. Higher index theory has important applications in differential topology ...
    • Wu, Jianchao (2019-07-22)
      Department: Mathematics
      We prove that the Novikov conjecture is satisfied by any discrete torsion-free group admitting an isometric and metrically proper action on a non-positively curved complete simply-connected Hilbert manifold with enough ...