Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Xiao, Jean Yujing (2017-03-30)
      Department: Law and Economics
      This dissertation is the first work to empirically examine a growing type of credit for cash-constrained tort plaintiffs called consumer litigation funding (“CLF”), which takes the form of a nonrecourse loan. A plaintiff ...
    • Frank, Hannah Jean (2019-03-22)
      Department: Law and Economics
      This dissertation examines the effect of various aspects of defendant appearance on criminal case outcomes. Chapter One uses an experimental vignette study to investigate the effect of defendant race on conviction rates ...
    • DeAngelis, Scott Andrew (2018-03-30)
      Department: Law and Economics
      This dissertation seeks to shed further light on the issue of concussions in athletics—a topic that has garnered increased attention over the past decade. Chapter 1 examines youth sports concussion laws, which have now ...
    • Lim, Jinghui (2013-07-26)
      Department: Law and Economics
      Although Congress passed the Clean Air Act in 1963 to promote public health and welfare, there has been relatively little research into the effectiveness of its monitoring and enforcement. This dissertation investigates ...