Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Rooney, Bryan Andrew (2017-08-04)
      Department: Political Science
      Scholars argue that institutions in democracies constrain leaders and prevent violent conflict. However, many democracies specify rules of governance in times of emergency that divert substantial power to the head of state. ...
    • Johnson, Gbemende Esubiyi (2012-07-24)
      Department: Political Science
      Judicial power and executive power exist in an interdependent relationship. Courts can invalidate executive action. However, various executive actors are charged with implementing judicial decisions. Courts are placed in ...
    • Limbocker, Scott Andrew (2018-06-15)
      Department: Political Science
      Federal civil servants execute the vast majority of modern policy in the United States. Democratic norms dictate that these employees disengage from politics when carrying out their job functions. Yet little empirical ...