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Acoustic Parameters of Speech and Attitudes Towards Speech in Childhood Stuttering: Predicting Persistence and Recovery

dc.contributor.advisorWalden, Tedra, 1952-
dc.contributor.authorGerald, Rachel
dc.descriptionPSY 4999: Honors Thesis | Dr. Jo-Anne Bachorowski. This paper was completed under the advisement of Dr. Tedra Walden. This study explored if the acoustic parameters jitter and fundamental frequency can determine a child's prognosis with stuttering with data taken from a five-year longitudinal study focusing on the intersection of emotion and stuttering. Children's attitude towards their speech was also studied to see if there was an effect on their stuttering prognosis.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe relations between the acoustic parameters of jitter and fundamental frequency and children’s experience with stuttering were explored. Sixty-five children belonging to four talker groups will be studied. Children were categorized as stuttering (CWS) or non-stuttering (CWNS), and were grouped based on their diagnosis of stuttering/not stuttering at two time points in a longitudinal study: persistent stutterers (CWSàCWS), recovered stutterers (CWSàCWNS), borderline stutters (CWNSàCWS), and never stuttered (CWNSàCWNS). The children performed a social-communicative stress task during which they were audio-recorded to provide speech samples from which the acoustic parameters were measured. There were no significant relations between talker group and acoustic parameters, nor were children’s attitudes towards their speech different across talker groups. Therefore, acoustic parameters nor children’s attitudes towards their speech did not determining their prognosis with stuttering.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThesis completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Honors Program in Psychological Sciencesen_US
dc.publisherVanderbilt Universityen_US
dc.subjectdevelopmental stutteringen_US
dc.subjectacoustic parametersen_US
dc.subject.lcshSocial psychologyen_US
dc.subject.lcshStuttering in childrenen_US
dc.subject.lcshChildren -- Longitudinal studiesen_US
dc.subject.lcshChildren -- Attitudesen_US
dc.subject.lcshSpeech -- Measurementen_US
dc.titleAcoustic Parameters of Speech and Attitudes Towards Speech in Childhood Stuttering: Predicting Persistence and Recoveryen_US
dc.description.collegeCollege of Arts and Scienceen_US
dc.description.schoolVanderbilt Universityen_US

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