WIPO Panel 2. Emerging New Services: Their Impact on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights
Gervais, Daniel J., 1963-
Baptiste, Eric
Collins, Patrick
Lubin, Steve
Rechardt, Lauri
Griffin, Jim
Issues discussed: Consumer electronics and rights management: file-sharing, MP3, Pod casting, station-ripping, streaming and other digital services; music, video and TV programs on mobile telephones, such as the UMTS technology. Internet video services - Mobisodes/Webisodes. What are the future technological trends and their impact on rights management? Which rights are concerned? Who should license and how? Basis and criteria. Monitoring sales of music on-demand via networks. Are current international norms already obsolete? Multimedia products and clearance of rights. The present situation in the United States of America. Are collective management organizations equipped to respond to new emerging services and ensure distribution of royalties?